"Taste tea has special charm, which can not be resisted by which tea attributed special properties. This drink wise, silent and balanced, sensitive and patient, drink those with a slight irony perceive themselves, as well as ironic look at the imperfections of life. " Japanese man Kakuzo Okakura By drinking of tea thousands of years were revered, -ceremony not have the same. Believed that the Asian green tea, and then the black is more than five years, the three goals it is considered sacred drink. Tea diverse as the people themselves. There is not even a two teas with the same taste. Since 5,000 years ago, he was one of the most Emperor Shen editor, it is modest tea sheet was great Puti.exists saying : "During the tea in China." An important is for tea to what hour it was recovered. Tea collected on the morning of the most enormous extent may differ from tea assembled at noon the same day. Whenever tea harvesters went to a plantation, tea has charming distinctive taste. Scent and taste of tea vary throughout the year. Tea bush has a number of biological characteristics which make it a truly unique culture. This is a very reactions plant. Tea grows on stony barren soils, sometimes almost bare rock. He makes tropical heat, and a significant reduction in temperature, the sun and snow resistant to diseases. This has been extremely enduring plant-leaf tea is up to 100 years or more, and the length of its economic development comparable to the life of human beings-70-80 years. A tea bush collect leaves. More upper-pieces shoots with crowns slides and three, the youngest just spread slip - fleshes. Harvesting takes place several times a year until the plant and provides new shoots. In the tropics tea growing continuously, it is in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South India leaves collect a full year. In Assam tea collection of leaves is within eight months (April-November), in China, from four to two times a year (from April to September). In Georgia and Azerbaijan sheet collected from May to October. The biggest fleshes of tea from India, the smallest-from the Japanese. In one kilogram of green tea contains about 3,000 Japanese tea, and only 1,500 Indian. Overall yields in the range between 2 to 12 tons per hectare. The largest number of leaf-to 12.5 tons per hectare - off in Assam. To derailed the tea bush leaves become refreshing drink, they must undergo a long process. They have consistently to make, twisting, fermentation, drying and sorting. The key stage is fermentation. During her chemistry tea raw materials are making a difference, which has been maked tea is normal for us to taste and aroma. Depending on the degree of completion of the fermentation emit four main types of tea : black, green, red and yellow. Each type is different chemical composition and, consequently, taste, colour and flavor infusions. The full completion of fermentation at the outlet is the best known and common (98% of world trade), the type of tea-black. There are an enormous variety of classes black tea. An indicator of the quality of the -coated iron hairs on tops kidneys, which is fleshy. In dry tea they are white wavy. Tipsa is the most valuable part of her tea, the more of them there, the greater the variety of tea, the better it is. Ancient so-called flower is surprisingly suggests tea is no longer the flower tea bush (them for the manufacture of tea do not use), namely high tips. The "flower" is the wrong flavoured teas that are really smell sweet smell different colours, thanks flavour additives unrelated to the bush tea. Green tea called not be ferments because in the process of processing avoid to make and fermentation. As a result, green tea or typical "tea" taste, but has a strong delicate aroma to maked herbs and unique taste binder. In the dry form, the type of tea is the color of violets, in extract he is the different shades of green. Red and yellow teas are transitional variants among major types : black, and green. Red tea closer to the black, he ferments stronger and yellow to green. Thanks to that same tea has received such wide distribution in the world and continues to be for centuries favorite drink vast quantities of people? Tea is a unique chemical factory. The first serious study chemistry tea began in the early 20th century to Yavana plantations. But so far the exact Chemical tea (as well as their manufacture and tea) is not known. The tea contains about 300 different chemicals. Combining them in the case was unique and can not be replaced by any other vegetation, and even less as chemicals. Of course, listing all 300 items, we will not, but slightly connected intellect and distinguished educate readers about what value they drink, we simply must! To begin with, in the preparation (drying) lost about 70-75% of the weight of fresh vented tea. The remaining 25-30% and the actual amount of essence tea (the same 300 components). It is interesting to note that more than half of these 25% are soluble, and it is these are really easy it is extracted infusion.
Polyphenoles (9-35%)
Phenolic compounds are one of the most common and numerous classes of natural compounds with biological activity. . It should be noted that the most abundant active phenolic compounds white and green teas. The tea contains more than 30 nonylphenols, traditionally called tanning substances or tannins. The fact is that the polyphenoles capable of forming a stable chemical compounds with the proteins, which results in the "tannic effect." This effect is a good pharmaceutical use-polyphenoles tea act as blood - restoring, regenerative, binders, e and microbicides. Some of nonylphenols (catechins) have properties of vitamin E : improve digestion, strengthen blood vessels and small capillaries reduces the permeability of their walls. In conjunction with caffeine tea attach importance to the unique brain stimulator. It should also be noted that the full range of catechols exclusive to green tea, in a very few. When brewing tea, it should be borne in mind that the tannins to react with iron and acids. When brewing tea iron pan (or using iron-rich water) produced muddy brown ( "wood") tea. ACID Wednesday, on the other hand, brightens in tea (everyone knows effect on the lemon tea). Polyphenoles well soluble in hot water. That is why tea we to make water. The more in the tea tannins, the more astringent (but not bitter!) And astringent taste it has. Much tanning agents attached tea regeneration and maintained effect. Polyphenoles tea are most active antioxidants, which are easily and quickly provide safe and stable chemical compounds with any harmful proteins, metals, alkaloids, acids, etc. factor that found in the body. That's what makes tea (especially green) unique antidote. It helps, and from alcohol and radiation, and heavy metal, and the overdose of drugs.
Protein and amino acids (25%)
If justice is to be biased, the proteins in teapot sheet more than anything else because it is one is mainly cellulose tea. In addition, the tea was different protein compounds, for example, the same enzymes. The soluble protein tea are albumin, in the green tea to 10% (in the black ones)! Exclamation point it is not a coincidence because 10 cups of tea equal to one chop meat. If seriously, in extreme situations tea is a complex dietary intake, which is fully offset in the body of a lack of protein and vitamins. I now understand how these smart Chinese hermits host the mountains one tea consumed. In case more than 17 amino acids, some of which are free. Amino made a significant contribution to a sort of tea aroma.
Sugar and carbohydrates (10-16%)
to 12% polysaccharides contained in the tea (starch, cellulose, gemizelluloza etc.), insoluble, and therefore useless. Moreover, the more sugars and carbohydrates in the case, the worse the quality. Well, that little sugar. This tea should be bitter! But seriously, it is low in sugars makes excellent tea hearings , andiabetics drink. The publication in the incidents starch negligible. This is good because if it is a lot of starch, it must be eating potatoes. Here's how much sulfur is a good thing. Pectins contribute to the healing of wounds, reducing cholesterol in the blood, improve exchange biliary acids neutralise the toxicity and side effects of antibiotics. Pectins beneficial to the mucous membranes chair, throat, esophagus, stomach, etc. envelopping of a protective layer. For example, spills hot tea complicated than bare wood, as the polysaccharide protect mucous burned. This property, combined with tanning ability, tannins makes excellent tea and m tool. On the go directly depends microscopic teaspoons dry. The more yellow, the better the tea protected against foreign smells, the longer it retains its aroma and the longer it is stored.
Minerals (4-7%)
Minerals tea in a very large number. But in general, you can make the macro-and micro elements. Macro (in mg / g) of tea : 1) K-17.90. 2) Calcium - 4.70. 3) m-2,20. 4) Iron - 0.20. About macro can write a lot. For instance, potassium. On the one hand normal concentration of potassium in the blood is essential to the functioning of the cardiac muscles; On the other hand, the brain cells there is a thing as potassium - sodium-vapor balance, which is essential to its proper functioning. Hence, for example, it can be concluded not just superficial incentive effects of tea on the nervous and cardiovascular system, and the regulation and normalization of the underlying processes. Western scientists counted that five cups of tea a day cover about 75% of the daily demand of the body for potassium. Micronutrients (in g / g) tea : 1) Aluminium - 843.40. 2), Manganese 828.00. 3) Sulphur - 650.00. 4), Sodium 210.00. 5) Bor-95.00. 6) Co-56.08. 7), Zinc 22.90. 8) Copper-11.60. 9) Strontium-5.84. 10) Nickel-5.20. 11) Lead - 2.48. 12) Cobalt - 1.68. 13) Molybdenum - 0.40. 14) Chromium : 0.40. 15) Selenium - 0.12. 16) Iodine - 0.10. There is also the vast content of about 0.3% of dry weight, in the case of phosphorus. Phosphorus is a substance indispensable for the revitalization of the brain! Also there is a very significant fluorine content in tea-about 0.2% of dry weight. Of course, this does not describe the "Ftorodent", but very useful ... The tea is gaining in ourselves and is a valuable media elements : aluminium, manganese, boron, barium, zinc, copper, nickel. Very good of the organism tea traditions, primarily, manganese, zinc, copper, nickel. To understand fully what it means to explain : 1. For example, manganese. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, sexual glands, bones. Scientists have determined that the machine age manganese reduced, and it remains the same. Because of this, older people will have a favourable climate for the development of cardiovascular disease and malignant neoplasms. And now look any more scientifically based bush is the only and unique way there for the replenishment of manganese-tea. Incidentally, it has been found that about 5-6 cups a day is not even a very strong tea be persist provide about 50% of the daily demand of the body for manganese. 2. Or, for instance, zinc. Determine deficiency in the body is very simple white cross spots on the nail, losing fingernails and hair. A further shortage of zinc actually cause a significant deterioration of immunity, 04.07.2005, dermatitis, etc. diseases of the skin and hair. Of course, tea behind such excess zinc hubs such as arthritis or kalgan, but he gained his very decent and regular dimension may very well add zinc resources organism. 3. Copper. More than known clinical fact, with the vast number of diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis, anaemia, leukaemia, , tuberculosis, meningitis, etc.) greatly increases the concentration of copper in the blood. There is also a direct correlation between the content of copper in the serum and elevated body temperature as a result of inflammation. Copper plays an essential role in the reconstruction oxidation processes at the cellular level, and the lack of it makes it very difficult to treat and prevent infections. And here again tea, which is traditionally referred to over drive copper ...
Pigments (1-12%)
Understood that the dyes. Well is piled up eye in chaine extract can see six-tone green-red-liver-brown -dark colour and shades, but asked few storage. The first two are more specific to not be ferment teas, and the second two for and black
Alkaloids (1-5%)
In their tea also contains plenty : theofillin, theobromin, xantin, adenin, gipoksantin, paraksantin, metilxantin, izatin, diuretin, guanin, lecithin, etc. gain additional pieces 10, but in general, alkaloids, compounds grounds with a strong and specific physiological activity. The structure is very diverse, ranging from simple, until high structures Chief produce tea, of course, caffeine. It is caffeine, which can be found in tea to 4%, to the bitterness of tea and has a characteristic tonic. The produce caffeine in tea is not in a free and sequestered (with tannins), and is called tein. It is believed that in a glass of strong tea (2 heaped tsp 200 ml) contains from 0.02 to 0.1 and caffeine. Caffeine causes central nervous system, improves performance, increases the physical and mental activity. In general, a much softer than pure caffeine or coffee. Other alkaloids tea (theobromin, theofillin, diuretin) also very useful, and applied for the treatment of cardiovascular and renal disease. Included in such drugs as eufillin, diuretin, kofalgin, tealbin, tesalben etc. sad exception among alkaloids tea is guanin, which singled out tea that long, or was, or was boiling water. Guanin is poisonous and affects the nervous system deafening effect. Chinese is not wasted argued that waiting out tea is like poison. On the other hand, Russian lager- drink are nothing but caffeine addiction be guanin plus.
Resins (about 1%)
Complex on chemical composition, studied little. Perhaps their most important role-fixing tea aroma.
Organic acid (about 1%)
found Oxalic, lemon, etc. acid. The tea they were poorly investigated, but it is clear that in general they raise food and dietetic value tea.
Enzymes (less than 1%).
The tea contains more than 10 different enzymes. Enzymes, as a rule, the active compounds containing protein authority and active, easily acidifying molecular group. Enzymes act as biological catalysts, the first beginning and run complex biochemical processes. The quality of the finished tea depends to a great extent on the established optimal conditions for fermentation, which in turn guarantee the "right" of enzymes.
Essential oils (about 0.02%)
They seemed to be very small, but the roles of the enormous, essential oils give tea its unique aroma. Now go back over 30 essential oils tea, which vary widely in their chemical composition. What is curious, essential oils in the water does not recede, but mixing with water (that is why, with the right to turn to stir tea!) Give it the smell and taste. On the surface chilled heaped containing a large number of essential oils, as a rule, a rainbow film. This is an indication of high-quality tea. Furthermore, the essential oils of tea terribly useful because have strong antibacterial and oppose microbe s activity. The laboratory found that the long-term storage of essential oils change their colour (hue) and smell (in the negative sense). That is why tea can not be stored for too long, essential oils disappearing. When listening essential oils also destroyed (hence tea be boiled; And indeed must be used to turn water temperature right!) .
The tea contains virtually all vitamins, but unquestionable leaders are : 1) Vitamin C. 2) Vitamin E (and PP). 3) Vitamins Group B. Vitamin C in fresh sheet contained four times more than in lemon juice or orange, but in the process of heat treatment much of its destruction. (Hence it is understandable that most vitamin C in the not-fermented candidate-white, and green. It is believed that, on average, in the green tea vitamin C, more than twice the number in the black). However, even during the dry tea dose vitamin C more than high-156-233 mg%. In turn in the incidents given to 70-90% of the dose. Due to the effect of boiling water vitamin C virtually destroyed, as it's in conjunction with tannins. Our friend from childhood "ascorbic sweetmeat" is the most important means of maintaining the energy vitality, ensuring normal metabolism and stamina. The need for vitamin C increases in physical and mental load at the time of illness. In particular, thanks to the high content of vitamin C tea in the past century has been put into compulsory military rations. Vitamin E (rutin) has act and a body to the cellular respiration and nutrition wall receptacles. Putin, in conjunction with vitamin C to the accumulation of vitamins in the tissues of the body, strengthens the wall receptacles and capillaries, reducing their fragility and permeability. Vitamin PP (nicotine acid), has protiwallergicakim action. The daily demand of the body with vitamin D necessary in the day to drink 3-4 cups firmly tea. Vitamins Group B very well kept itself at all stages of its manufacture. This is all the more important that the human body is constantly stock these vitamins and a constant need to replenish it. Vitamins B "responsible" for the condition of the cover tissues (skin and hair) to be necessary for the smooth functioning of the liver and glands Endocrine are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system (particularly in the extreme conditions), preventing from exhaustion. Wealth tea peace and the rules of cooking miracle drink, we talk next time.