Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Green Tea & Brigitte Mars

Green tea has been used throughout history to improve ailments such as allergies, arteriosclerosis, asthma, cholera, colds, congestion, coughs, depression, diarrhea, digestive infections, dysentery, fatigue, hangovers, hepatitis, migraines, and typhus. Tea helps to constrict the blood vessels, thereby reducing the throbbing pain of an impending headache. In China , medicines made from the polyphenols in tea are used to treat hepatitis, nephritis, and leukemia.

Prevents dental decay by inhibiting the bacteria streptococcus mutans, which are responsible for plaque formation. It can also help inhibit the bacteria that cause halitosis. Green tea is traditionally consumed after a meal to leave the mouth feeling fresh and clean. It is currently being studied to see if it will help prevent osteoporosis.

Green tea is also used topically and in this case is known as a styptic, which helps stop bleeding when applied topically. It has been used lukewarm tea on open wounds, acne, athlete's feet, and sunburn, and appears to protect the skin from damage from ultraviolet radiation exposure. Researchers are not yet sure why this works but think it may be due to its antioxidant activity.

Excessive use of green tea can cause nervous irritability and aggravate ulcers, and those with hypertension and insomnia should consider avoiding it.

With so many health benefits, it would be wise for more Americans to consider switching from coffee to tea. I think I'll go brew some tea right now...

Brigitte Mars is an herbalist and nutritional consultant from Boulder , Colorado , who has been working with natural medicine tea leoni for 30 years. She teaches herbology, has a weekly Boulder radio show called Naturally, and is the formulator for UniTea Herbs. She is the author of Elder; Herbs for Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails (Keats Publishing), and of a comprehensive CD-ROM on herbs, The Herbal Pharmacy.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Green Tea

Today, green tea is getting the majority of the press for its positive effect on health. This is due to the power of its constituents, which include carotenoids, chlorophyll, polysaccharides, fats, vitamins C and E, manganese, potassium and zinc. However, experts agree that it is one type of constituent in particular that provides most of the health benefits. These are polyphenols.

Polyphenols are members of the flavonoid family. They are catechins made of several ringlike structures. Each of these structures has chemicals attached to it called phenol groups, hence the name polyphenols (poly means "many").

Of all three types of tea (green, black, and oolong), green tea contains the most polyphenols: about 15 percent to 30 percent of its weight. The polyphenols in green tea are recognized as anticarcinogenic, and this polyphenol content, along with the naturally occurring vitamin C, helps strengthen blood vessel walls.

Four of these polyphenols are of particular interest: epicatechin (EG), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). In green tea, about half of the polyphenols are EGCG.

EGCG is a powerful antioxidant and has been found to be 20 times stronger than vitamin E in protecting brain lipids, which are very susceptible to oxidative stress. (Chem Pharm Bulletin 38 [1990]: 1049) In animal studies with mice, ECG has been shown to reduce the rate of lung, skin, and stomach cancer. (Preventative Medicine 21)

Green tea is regarded as an antioxidant. The polyphenols, especially EGCG, prevent free radical damage and have even been found to detoxify free radicals produced by the environmental toxin paraquat. (Carcinogenesis 10 [1989]: 1003)

As a whole, human studies indicate that consuming green tea can lower the rate of esophageal cancer, mouth cancers, and gastric cancers. Recent research indicates that green tea may reduce the risk of some forms of stomach cancer. Surveys of Japanese tea drinkers show that those who consume four to six cups of green tea a day have lower levels of breast, esophageal, liver, lung, and skin cancers than those who consume less green tea or none at all.

At a meeting of the American Chemical Society in 1991, researchers reported that even cigarette smokers who consumed green tea had a 45 percent lower risk of cancer than non-tea drinkers. As an anti-tumor agent, green tea has an anti-mutation factor that helps DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) to reproduce accurately rather than in mutated forms. Green tea's catechin content is believed to be responsible for this effect. Even though Japan has one of the highest rates of smokers in the world, they have one of the lowest rates of lung cancer of any developed nation.

Green tea is a hypotensive, lowering blood pressure and helping to increase blood flow to the heart. Many Asians have long consumed green tea with meals, and this practice is now showing to reduce arterial disease. Many heart attacks are brought on by blood platelet aggregation and green tea prevents the blood from "clumping together" and forming clots that can lead to stroke. One study indicates that 6,000 Japanese women who were nondrinkers and nonsmokers over 40 who drank about five cups of green tea a day had a 50 percent decrease in the risk of stroke. (Natural Health [March/April 1994])

Whereas coffee can elevate cholesterol levels, green tea helps lower them. (HerbalGram 37 [1996]) The catechin content of green tea helps to break down cholesterol and increase its elimination through the bowels. Green tea also helps to keep blood sugar levels moderate.

Contraindications for green tea

Green tea contains caffeine, although usually about 4 times less than coffee. Individuals with conditions which may be complicated by high caffeine intake (including insomnia, depression, and pregnancy) should not add green tea to their diet. People taking the class of antidepressant called MAO inhibitors may want to avoid the caffeine in green tea.

We spend a lot of time researching the internet and we found that the most affordable high quality green tea (in bags) on the internet can be found here Green tea extracts in capsules can be found here
Dentalnotes, Winter 2001 pg 1
Chemoprevention of Oral Cancer by Green Tea; Biochemistry 11/01; Dr.
Hsu, Dr Singh, Fr Lewis, Dr Borke, Dr. Dickinson, Ms Drake, Dr. Caughman, Dr Schuster.
Imai K, et al. Cancer-preventive effects of drinking green tea among
a Japanese population. Prev Med 26(6): 769–775, 1997
Hamilton-Miller JM. Antimicrobial properties of tea (Camellia sinensis
L.). Antimicro Agents Chemother 1995;39(11):2375–77.
You SQ. Study on feasibility of Chinese green tea polyphenols (CTP)
for preventing dental caries. Chin J Stom 1993;28(4):197–199.
Hamilton -Miller JM. Antimicrobial properties of tea (Camellia sinensis
L.). Antimicro Ag Chemo 1995;39(11):2375–2377.
Tea (Camellia sinensis) has a history of mythological proportions, no matter where in the world you look. In the West, the word Thea, which is Greek for "goddess", gives tea its name. In the East, in China , a popular legend has Chinese emperor Shen Nung "discovering" tea when some leaves from a nearby tea bush blew into a pot of water he was boiling for drinking water. In India , ancient legend tells the tale of Siddhartha Guatma, the founder of Buddhism, despairing after falling asleep during meditation. He was so upset with himself that he ripped off his eyelids and threw them to the ground where they rooted and grew into the first tea plant, with the shape of its leaves resembling the eyelid.

Whether you believe any of these stories or not, we do know that the leaves from this evergreen shrub have been consumed for over 4,000 years and that they have always been known for health.

Some historians assert that tea was first consumed in China to flavor water that was boiled to protect people from bacterial contamination. In 1211 a.d., a Japanese monk named Eisai wrote a book called Maintaining Health by Drinking Tea in which he said, "Tea is a miraculous medicine for the maintenance of health. Tea has the extraordinary power to prolong life. Anywhere a person cultivates tea, long life will follow. In ancient and modern times, tea is an elixir that creates the mountain dwelling immortal." The sixteenth-century European explorers who first tried tea reported that it was used to treat fever, headache, joint pain, and stomachache.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Green tea or green tea extract?

Capsulized extracts of green tea are available, and a typical dosage is 100 to 150 mg 3 times daily of a green tea extract standardized to contain 80% total polyphenols and 50% epigallocatechin gallate. The efficacy of these preparations compared to the consumption of the tea itself is not known at this point.

Green tea is not just beneficial for cancer

Green tea also appears to be beneficial for heart disease: It lowers cholesterol, reduces platelet aggregation (clumping), and lowers blood pressure, all of which may contribute to a decreased risk of heart disease.

Evidence is increasing that consumption of green tea may have beneficial effects on prevention of several cancers in addition to oral cancer, including colon, pancreatic and stomach cancer.

Green tea may stimulate the immune system

immune system to help defend the body against bacterial infections, including dental plaque. Green tea has anti-bacterial properties and stimulates the production of immune cells.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Green tea comes in both caffeinated and decaffeinated forms

Oral cancer rates in China are half that of North America
In China, oral cancer rates are 1/2 that of North America, even though smoking rates - a known risk factor for oral cancer are 3 times higher in China. Each year, more than 30,000 people will be diagnosed with oral cancer, resulting in an estimated 7,800 deaths.
The mouth's oxygen-rich environment connects to several blood vessels which provide a perfect habitat to house oral cancer cells, and in turn allows the cancerous cells to multiply quickly. Ingesting or swishing with green tea introduces the tea's polyphenols to the oral cancer cells lining the mouth. For patients, in order to reap green tea's anticancer benefits, the mouth's mucous lining must be exposed to 4 to 6 cups of green tea a day.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Green tea beneficial both in the prevention and remission of cancer

The results of research at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta indicated compounds in green tea selectively induced cell death only in oral cancer cells while ignoring normal cells.

The authors of the study conclude that green tea could inhibit, delay or even reverse cancer.

"Green tea appears to be chemopreventative, both before the onset of malignancy and following cancer treatment", states the study titled "Chemoprevention of Oral Cancer by Green Tea".

The study was published in the March/April 2001 issue of the journal "General Dentistry", which is published by the Academy of General Dentistry .

Although the research must be duplicated before green tea is labelled as a public health strategy and a bona-fide anti-cancer agent, lead study author/cell biologist Stephen Hsu said:

"The evidence of benefits appears to be sound, but we need a lot of different groups to agree on this and there is research going on in various places that will help answer that," he said, referring to a human trial at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre involving oral cancer and green tea.

Hsu, whose research was funded by his academic institution, not the tea industry, said while further trials are being conducted, there is no reason why people shouldn't indulge in green tea.

"There are a lot of different brands, but that doesn't appear to make a difference. What does matter is that people choose a high quality tea that is without additives and has not been processed, because the fermentation process reduces the concentration of polyphenols and their beneficial effects."

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Green Tea and Oral Cancer

The role of your cancer health professional is to create an environment of openness and trust, and to help in making informed decisions about alternative/complementary therapies. Collaboration will improve the safe integration of all therapies during your experience with cancer. The "Summary" and "Professional Evaluation / Critique" sections of this Unconventional manual are cited directly from the medical literature, and are intended to help in the objective evaluation of alternative/complementary therapies.


"Moderate consumption of green tea appears safe. There is some evidence that green tea may prevent the occurrence of some forms of cancer, but the mechanisms of action of its specific constituents are poorly understood. Preliminary evidence exists of the potential effectiveness of green tea as a treatment for cancer. Further research into the effects of green tea and some of its constituents would be worthwhile." (Kaegi)

Description / Source / Components

"Each year about 2.5 million tons of tea are manufactured from the dried leaves and leaf buds of the shrub Camellia sinensis. ... Green tea, which is not fermented, is made by steaming or pan-frying tea leaves and then drying them. It accounts for about 20% of world production and is mostly consumed in China and Japan , where it has been used medicinally as a stimulant and digestive remedy for about 5000 years." (Kaegi)

"Green tea is different from black tea in that it [green tea] is produced from leaves that have been withered, rolled, fermented, and dried. Because of the curing process, the properties of the green tea are very similar to that of the fresh leaf." (Fetrow)

"Black teas - the preferred drink in Europe and the Americas - are partially dried, crushed, allowed to "ferment" or oxidize in heat for a few hours, then fully dried. ... Green teas, the preferred drink in Asia , are not crushed and oxidized. Instead they are steamed, then rolled and dried. The steaming actually prevents oxidation by inactivating the enzymes in the leaves. Thus green and black teas have different chemical properties." (University)

"The growth bud and the first two or three leaves at the tip of the shoot produce the finest tea, while poorer quality tea is produced from material taken from lower down on the stem. Harvesting is still performed by hand in much of the world, as it takes discrimination to determine which are the best leaves." (Muir)

"Commercially prepared green tea extracts are standardized to contain 60% polyphenols and depending on the method of preparation, the tea may contain 1% to 4% caffeine." (Fetrow)

"When green tea is taken for medicinal purposes, 5-10 ml of the herb is steeped in a cup of boiling water for about 15 minutes. The usual amount taken is 1-3 cups daily, without the addition of milk or sugar. More recently, green tea capsules have been developed for the market, but the clinical benefits of these are unknown." (Kaegi)

"Green tea contains many polyphenols known as catechins, including epigallocathechin-3 gallate (EGCG), epigallocathechin (EGC) and epicathechin-3 gallate (ECG)." (Jankun)


"Much of the research into the effects of green tea has focused on its potential to prevent cancer. There has been far less research into its role in the treatment of cancer." (Kaegi)

Proponent / Advocate Claims - Use in Preventing Cancer

"Population studies demonstrate that green tea consumption may actually be one of the major reasons why the cancer rate is lower in Japan ." ( Murray )

"Drinking at least one cup of green tea per week appears to reduce the risk of stomach cancer." (Cassileth)

"Green tea polyphenols are potent antioxidant compounds that have demonstrated greater antioxidant protection than vitamins C and E in experimental studies. (Ho)" (Murray)

"A few studies have reported that green tea and green tea extracts reduce the metastatic potential of cancer cells in some animal systems. (Taniguchi, Sazuka) These findings, together with the evidence that green tea extracts suppress chromosomal abnormalities induced by carcinogens, have generated some interest because they suggest that green tea plays a role in delaying the cumulative genetic damage necessary for a cell to evolve from normalcy to one with aggressive metastatic capabilities." (Kaegi)

Suganuma reports "significant evidence that whole green tea is a more reasonable mixture of tea polyphenols for cancer prevention in humans than EGCG alone, and that it is even more effective when it is used in combination with other cancer preventatives." (Suganuma)

"There are several types of green tea that are grown under different climatic conditions and there is a likelihood of variability of anticancer constituents in different types of green tea." (Holt)

Proponent / Advocate Claims - Use in Treating Cancer

"In vitro [in an artificial environment] studies of green tea polyphenols induced programmed cell death (apoptosis) in human cancer cells. (Hibasami, Ahmad)" (Fetrow)

"Human cancers need proteolytic enzymes to invade cells and form metastases. One of these enzymes is urokinase (uPA). Inhibition of uPA can decrease tumour size or even cause complete remission of cancers in mice. ...we postulate that the well-known anticancer activity of green tea is driven by inhibition of uPA, one of the most frequently over-expressed enzymes in human cancers." (Jankun)

Some studies in mice demonstrated that "oral administration of green tea not only decreased tumor formation, but also markedly reduced tumor size. Further experiments showed that green tea inhibited the growth of established skin tumors induced chemically or by ultraviolet light." (Yang)

Recent studies suggest that theanine (a peculiar amino acid existing in green tea
leaves) enhances the antitumor activity of doxorubicin and adriamycin in mice. "The effect of theanine on the efficacy of antitumor agents is expected to be applicable in clinical cancer chemotherapy." (Sugiyama 1999,1998)

Professional Evaluation / Critique - Use in Preventing Cancer

"It must be recognized that the cancer-protective effect of green tea is only apparent at the relatively high intake of more than 10 cups per day." (Holt)

Professional Evaluation / Critique - Use in Treating Cancer

"There has been some laboratory research into the possible role of green tea in the treatment of cancer. However, no human studies and only limited data from animal studies were identified. In assay systems, the effects of green tea have been contradictory and inconclusive, showing both mutagenic and antimutagenic effects.(Nagao, Jain, Ito, Wang)" (Kaegi)

"However, Dr. Jankun believes that green tea will remain more useful for prevention than for treatment of cancer." (Muir)

"While important work in the laboratory continues to elaborate the mechanisms by which green tea inhibits cancer, the major missing link has been clinical trials. ... `We are trying to caution people that green tea is still very far from being a therapy. We are very much at the beginning of studying it." It is notable that the first clinical trials in the United States have not yet begun. ... Indeed, unfortunately, the history of medicine contains many examples of substances that looked extremely promising in both in vitro and animal studies, but never lived up to such promise in the clinical trials." (Muir)

"Also, before green tea can become widely used, more research will be needed regarding the efficiency of its absorption, its attainable blood levels, its metabolism, and its toxicity when taken in large quantities." (Muir)

Toxicity / Risks

"No adverse effects have been reported in association with the medicinal use of green tea. However, a cup of tea, black or green, contains 10-80 mg [milligrams] of caffeine depending on the methods used in its production, storage and preparation. Because excess caffeine can cause nervousness, insomnia and irregularities in heart rate, pregnant women, nursing mothers and patients with cardiac problems are usually advised to limit their intake to 2 cups daily." (Kaegi)

Green tea can cause adverse reactions (immunoglobulin E-mediated) in patients with green-tea asthma. (Fetrow)

A study done by Kinjo and associated concluded that mortality risks of oesophageal cancer were substantially associated with the thermal effects of hot green tea compared to moderate temperature tea. (Kinjo)

Revised February 2000

Green tea halts growth of oral cancer cells and breaks down and kills existing oral cancer.(1,2) Ingesting or swishing with green tea introduces the tea polyphenols to the oral cancer cells which may be present in the mouth. The polyphenols are antioxidants, which work to remove the free radicals (oxidants) which cause the mutation of genes, which may in turn lead to cancerous growth, without harming the normal cells Green tea halts growth of oral cancer cells and breaks down and kills existing oral cancer.(1,2) Ingesting or swishing with green tea introduces the tea polyphenols to the oral cancer cells which may be present in the mouth. The polyphenols are antioxidants, which work to remove the free radicals (oxidants) which cause the mutation of genes, which may in turn lead to cancerous growth, without harming the normal cells the growth and invasion of oral cancer cells. The authors state that the clinical applications of green tea polyphenols, including EGCG as an anti-cancer agent, warrant further study. They suggest that the regular consumption of green tea could be beneficial in the prevention of oral cancer.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The Benefits of Green Tea Extract: Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, Weight Control

One of the great advancements in nutrition in the twenty-first century is the scientific confirmation of the many benefits of green tea extract. Here are just a few. Green tea:
Lowers cholesterol
Slows arthritis
Prevents the growth of cancer cells
Assists weight loss
What accounts for the health benefits of green tea extract? Over 1,800 scientific studies have found that the active constituents in green tea are powerful antioxidants. These are called polyphenols (catechins) and flavonols. Epigallocatechin gallate (you can just call it EGCG) is the most powerful of these antioxidants. Milligram for milligram, EGCG has 25 to 100 times the antioxidant power of vitamins C and E. A cup of green tea has more antioxidants than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots or strawberries.

These abundant antioxidants power the benefits of green tea extract. They keep DNA intact and they stabilize the membranes of cells. These effects of green tea make it a powerful support in many health conditions. Let's look at the benefits of green tea supplements in more detail.

Green tea has been shown to lower "bad" LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels.

Who would have imagined that simple green tea could be as potent as Lipitor or Zocor or Crestin with none of their side effects? Scientific studies show that middle-aged men and women in Japan who drink 2 or more cups of green tea a day almost always have normal cholesterol. Scientists have also recently reported that if you drink green tea after you eat a fatty food, less cholesterol will go into you bloodstream.

And if you have high cholesterol when you begin taking green tea supplements, your body will convert less of it into a form that clogs your arteries.

Green tea protects your joints against osteoarthritis.

This is one of the least known but most beneficial effects of green tea extract. Green tea prevents inflammation. When there is less inflammation, there is less wear and tear on your joints.

Green tea prevents the growth of cancer cells.

The EGCG in green tea prevents cancer cells from growing by binding to a specific enzyme. This health benefit of green tea is especially important in cancers of the prostate, breast, and lung.

Researchers studied two groups of men who a pre-cancerous condition of the prostate. One consumed the equivalent of 12 to 15 cups of green tea a day. One did not. One year later, 30% of the men who did not consume green tea supplements developed prostate cancer. Only 3% of the men who took green tea supplements developed cancer.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract is support for women who have breast cancer. Green tea provides chemicals that bind estrogen. This hormone is not then free to stimulate breast cancer cells.

Women who consume the greatest amount of green tea before menopause have the least severe forms of breast cancer when the disease occurs. Women who drink green tea are less likely to have recurrences of breast cancer after treatment. And most important of all, women who consume green tea are 50% less likely to develop breast cancer at all.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract is protection against lung cancer. The Japanese have both the highest rate of smoking and the lowest rate of lung cancer in the developed world. Japanese smokers who consume a lot of green tea seem to be protected against lung cancer.

And green tea can even help you lose weight. In a clinical trial, men eating a high-fat diet were given enough green tea provide the caffeine in a single cup of coffee. Although this amount of caffeine has no effect on weight loss, when the caffeine comes from green tea, it is highly significant.

The green tea supplement boosted the number of calories burned by 4.5%. While this is just 135 calories a day, the study showed that taking green supplements could help the average man on a high-fat diet lose 18 lbs (8 kg) in a year's time. It could help the average woman on a high-fat diet lose 11 pounds (5 kg). This is without eating less or exercising more.

How Can I Take Green Tea?

The benefits of green tea extract are greatest if you take green tea supplements rather than drink green tea. A study in the December 2004 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that green supplements get more antioxidants into your bloodstream that drinking green tea. Two capsules of green tea extract a day can provide all the benefits of 20 cups of green tea-all you need to support even difficult health conditions.

Green tea is safe and effective. Take 1 to 3 capsules of green extract every day. It is better to take green tea supplements in the morning or afternoon rather than at night. In the unlikely event of stomach upset, take with food.
by Oktay Özadam

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Oolong Tea, Wu-Long Tea

Oolong tea(Wu Long Tea,or WuLong Tea) is a semi-oxidized tea, occupying the middle ground between green and black teas. Combining the best qualities of green tea and black tea.

Oolong tea are to produce a full-bodied beverage, the leaves for oolong tea (also called Wu Long Tea,or WuLong Tea) must not be picked too early or at too tender a stage, but just when they reach their peak. They must be processed immediately. Unlike leaves for green tea, those destined to be oolong are wilted in direct sunlight. Then they are shaken in tubular bamboo baskets to bruise the leaf edges. This bruising is what makes the edges oxidize faster than the center. The leaves are alternately shaken and spread out to air-dry several times until the veins become transparent and the leaf surface yellows. The edges become reddish as a result of oxidation, while the center remains green, and the leaves give off an orchid-like fragrance. The fermentation is arreste halfway through by firing. The temperature for oolong is higher than for other teas. The final product contains less moisture, which enables it to keep longer.

Oolong tea is produced in Fujian , the province of its origin,China, and some othersincluding Taiwan and Guangdong province. The technique for processing it was taken by Fukienese(Fujian) migrants to Taiwan, and that island's Tungting (Dongding) oolong (This tea is gown in Tung Ting Mountains at an altitude 600 meters, located in central Taiwan famous tea growing region, Nantou Luku) is well known. There may be some difference among mainland and Taiwanese oolongs is taste and medicinal function, due to different soil, processing, and fermentation time. Oolongs from the mainland are said to have more body, the result of longer oxidation, than those from Taiwan.

Oolong tea was actually shown to increase metabolism even more than green tea. Oolong tea increased resting energy needs by 10 percent compared to 4 percent for green tea. At first glance it might seem like drinking Oolong tea would be better than the green tea, but researchers found that the teas work for different reasons. Green tea is high in catechins and caffeine, while Oolong tea is high in polymerized polyphenols. The research suggests that by taking both teas, an even greater fat-burning effect can be achieved.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Green Tea Weight Loss

Antioxidant in Green Tea Benefits Weight Loss

Green tea epigallacatechin gallate ( The compound known as EGCG ), a key element in polyphenol antioxidant contained in green tea, benefits weight loss by helping the body burn fat. A study in Switzerland found drinking the equivalent of 2-3 cups of green tea daily caused the participants to burn 80 extra calories each day, without increasing their heart rates and factoring out the tea's caffeine content.

Other More Key Benefits of Green Tea Besides Weight Loss

Polyphenols are a group of naturally occurring plant chemicals with very high antioxidant potential. Antioxidants are substances that protect the body from free radicals, which are special molecules and fragments of molecules that can damage your body from a cellular level. Free radicals hurt the body by making you more vulnerable to degenerative diseases like cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants help by deactivating the free radicals and minimizing the amount of damage they have done or will do.

The many health benefits of green tea, all of which have been demonstrated in scientific studies, include:

Cancer protection.
Cholesterol reduction.
Blood pressure reduction.
Antibacterial and antiviral activity .
Protection against radiation.
Reduction of body fat.
Reduction of blood sugar .
Polyphenols, High Richest in Green Tea Beverage.

The basic difference between green tea and black tea (the more commonly seen variety) is in the fermentation. Green tea leaves are preserved by various techniques such as steaming and baking right after being picked; whereas black tea leaves are exposed to the air for a length of time and then processed. This method gives green tea its unique color and also helps retain one vital resource - the polyphenol.
Source: Green Tea Weight Loss

Wu long tea weight loss ,Wulong Slimming tea
Source: Wu long tea weight loss
Research shows drinking two cups of Wu long tea every day not only helps shed stubborn pounds by boosting your metabolism, but also blocks the fattening effects of carbohydrates; promotes strong, healthy teeth; improves cognitive functioning and mental well-being; clarifies your skin, giving it a healthy, radiant glow and strengthens your immune system.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Green Tea Extract

The Chinese have used green tea for thousands of years. Green tea is also widely consumed in Japan, China and other Asian Nations and is becoming more popular in Western Nations either in a form of water or green tea extract.

A number of beneficial effects are attributed to regular consumption of green tea and green tea extracts.

The Powerful antioxidant, polyphenols in green tea extract can help protect against cell damage and also a compound which could interface with the development of new blood vessels, which tumours need to grow.
Green Tea Extract Catechins, compounds in green tea extract are 25-100 times stronger than vitamin C and E. They protect the body from damage effects of oxidative damage from free radicals.

Considerable epidemiological and experimental evidence shows beneficial effects of green tea extract in reducing the risk of heart disease and cancer, most likely due to the antioxidant property of polyphenols.

As many researches reported, EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate),Green Tea Extract ,one of key elements in green tea extract will block production of an enzyme required for cancer cell growth. EGCG may work by suppressing the formation of blood vessels, a process called angiogenesis, thereby cutting off the supply of blood to cancer cells.

Herbalists use green tea and extracts of its leaves for stomach problems, vomiting, and diarrhea, and to reduce tooth decay, blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Recommended Dosage of Green Tea Extracts

So for those who want all of these health benefits but are daunted by prospect of fitting 4 to 10 cups of green tea into their daily routine, Green Tea Extract solves the problem by supplying the key tea polyphenols in a highly concentrated formulation.

A typical dosage is 125 - 500 mg/day - preferably of and extract standardized to at least 60% polyphenols and/or EGCG as a marker compound in green tea extract (This should be equivalent to 4-10 cups of brewed green tea).

Excessive caffeine is not a significant problem, because green tea extract contains only a fraction of what is found in coffee.

Considering the wide safety margin of green tea extract and the fact that benefits have been documented at over 10 cups of tea per day, we recommend taking 1 to 5 capsules spread out throughout the day.
Green Tea Extract

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Chinese Green Tea Discovered Thousand Years Ago!

Chinese people have been drinking green tea to promote good health for at least 5,000 years. The one popular legend about Chinese Green Tea had been told that Chinese green tea was accidentally discovered by Emperior Shen Nung. While his preparing hot water, a leaf from nearby plant fell into the pot imparting a strong fragrance. He sipped
and found it had a delightful and refreshing flavor.
Chinese Green Tea is the most popular beverage and that is what is meant, when one is talking about 'tea'. Middle Kingdom states that 'luh cha' (lu cha), or Chinese green tea is so named because of the tint of the infusion, as opposed to the color of the leaves.

In recent years as a healthy source discovery that Chinese green tea is a rich source of antioxidants, many people in traditional black tea markets have also started to drink Chinese green tea either straight or as part of some green tea blends.

Why Chinese Tea are in Green?

Green tea leaves are steamed, heated in hot pans or roasting in an oven after picking, arresting bacterial growth. Then they are rolled by hand to squeeze out excess moisture and to release flavor enzymes. The green tea leaves are finally dried and packed.

When Chinese green tea leaves are brewed, then turn a light green color with a milder flavor than black teas.

Chinese Green Tea Benefits

Modern science is beginning to tell us what Asian tradition has known for centuries, that tea is good for you.

The strong anti-oxidants called polyphenols is found as a rich compound in Chinese Green Tea which benefits in many ways for health. Studies have been done across the globe that show, Chinese Green Tea will flight against cancer, aging, bacteria, heart disease and help with digestion and weight loss. While Chinese green tea has received by far the most attention recently, both oolong and black teas have studies supporting their own distinctive claims.

Green tea, for centuries the beverage of choice in Asia, is rapidly gaining popularity in the western world. Its natural aroma and widely acclaimed health benefits make green tea appealing to both the tea lover and previously non-tea drinker. The aroma of some green teas surpasses even the best black teas in subtlety and complexity.

Green tea is as varied and unique as wines. Their uniqueness depends upon the growing region, the season's weather, time of harvesting and type of processing. Many varieties are available in multiple grades.

The styles of green tea include: gunpowder, tea rolled into balls, Young Hyson, tea made into long twisted leaves, Imperial, similar to gunpowder but not as tightly rolled, and Hyson, made from older leaves than Young Hyson.

Chunmee green tea is produced in China and is also referred to as Zhenmei or Precious Eyebrows. The leaves are carefully hand rolled to the eye-brow shape with great skill. The color is jade green and yields a liquor which is pale yellow.Chun Mee green tea is known for its plum-like sweetness and smoothness. This special grade yields a more smooth and complex tasting tea than the standard grades Emerald Petals is grown in Lu'An county located in the Dabie Mountains of Western Anhui province.Emerald Petals is known as "LU AN GUA PIAN" in Chinese and is one of the "Ten Famous Teas" of China. Emerald Petals has a largish flat & broad, emerald green leaf, which produces a generously flavoured & coloured beverage with a refreshing, slightly floral aroma. Emerald Petals may be drunk with food or at any time during the day. It is a very good value yet high quality green tea.

Huoshan Yellow Sprouting in know in China as "HUO SHAN HUANG YA".This rare green tea (In China,it is taken as a yellow tea)comes from southwest Anhui province.It is grown in the Huo Mountains in an environment of pure air and water. Huoshan Yellow Sprouting is a revelation, exhibiting a strong lychee (wine gum like) aroma in the dry leaf with a decidedly rich & complex flavour in the beverage. It brews a golden liquor with astringent aftertaste.

Gunpowder tea is so-called because it is rolled into small balls, reminding someone of old-time gunpowder. Some of our customers have asked, is all gunpowder hand rolled? According to The Tea Man, it depends on the gunpowder. The higher quality grades are hand rolled. Other, lower end gunpowders are machine rolled. However, a caveat: where labor is cheaper than machinery, it is hand rolled. How to tell the difference? The difference in flavor is remarkable. Since hand rolled generally represents a higher quality, the flavor is much more subtle, not at all harsh; very smooth foretaste and long, long delightful aftertaste. Hand rolled has a more grayish appearance and is of a smaller (pinhead) size, since it is usually composed of only the first three leaves. The higher the quality (and price), the smaller the pinhead size. Imperial Gunpowder is the largest, often 1/4 to 3/8 inch in diameter. Pinhead is actually a grading and is 3/16 to as small as 1/6 inch in diameter. The larger the size, the looser the roll. The looser the roll, the larger the leaf. The larger the leaf, the lower the leaf position on the branch leg. The lower the leaf position, the older the leaf. The older the leaf, the harsher the flavor. The harsher the flavor, the less expensive the tea. The less expensive the tea, the more common the tea is.

Gunpowder green (called "Zhucha" in China) - also known as "pearl" tea, Gunpowder green is produced in the Ning Bo region of China. These tightly rolled balls of leaves resemble gunpowder pellets. This state allows gunpowder tea to be kept longer than most other greens. Once infused in water, leaves unfurl to give a strong, slightly pungent flavor with a long aftertaste. Color is a coppery green. Gunpowder is said to be high in fluoride.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

The Second Well-Known Beverage, Green Tea

Green tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world (water is the first) and has been used medicinally for centuries in China and Japan. That is because a number of beneficial health effects in green tea are attributed to regular consumption of green tea and dried/powdered extracts of green tea.

Tea time: The Wonderful Benefits in Green tea

The health benefits of green tea beverage have been discovered. In total world consumption of tea, green tea makes up about 20% of the total. In China, on the other hand, green tea is the most popular.

Green tea is rich in antioxidants.
Benefit of drinking a cup of green tea might do more than warm you up this winter. Researchers offer even more reasons to make time for this age-old beverage. The tea leaves used for making tea are the same plant but the processing each type of teas is different.

Green tea comes from the leaves of the white-flowered tea plant, Camellia sinensis, a bush native to Asia. These tea leaves are less processed than black tea and contain rich sources of antioxidants, which protect the body's cells from damage and fight diseases. The antioxidants, the benefits in green tea have been linked to cancer prevention, decreased risk of stroke, heart diseases, and lowered blood cholesterol. Catechin, a phytochemical, is the main component which benefits in green tea and is present in higher amounts than in grape juice and red wine, which are also believed to reduce the rate of heart disease. Other health benefits of green tea are still plenty!

Good for your heart?

Recent research suggests that beneficial antioxidants in green tea play a role in reducing the negative effects of bad cholesterol, lowering triglyceride levels and increasing the production of good cholesterol. They have also been shown to inhibit excessive blood clotting which may help against heart diseases and stroke. Further evidence has suggested that green tea plays a role in prevention of age-related and brain degeneration diseases, such as Parkinson and Alzheimer's. Its antioxidant properties are thought to reduce free radical damage and the breakdown of neurotransmitters. That is another beneficial antioxidants of green tea for health.

Cancer prevention?

Green tea's rich supply of antioxidants may also play a key role in the prevention of various cancers, like breast, colon, stomach, and lung cancer. They suppress the formation and growth of potent cancer-causing agents. While the potential anti-cancer properties of green tea look promising, they are also complex and not yet completely understood.

Good for your teeth?

Another interesting benefit of green tea is its effectiveness in preventing dental decay. It inhibits the growth of oral bacteria, which can help to fight cavities. When used as a mouth rinse, green tea reduced plaque and the incident of periodontal disease.

How to serve green tea

You can enjoy green tea including its numerous health benefits during any season. Green tea can be served hot or cold and still provide a host of health benefits. While sugar and lemon are not thought to alter the antioxidant content, milk may bind to the antioxidants and make them unavailable to the body. To brew a potent cup of green tea, make sure to steep the tea bag for at least 3 minutes. Otherwise, all of the antioxidants may not end up in the tea. If you're concerned about caffeine, a 6-ounce cup of green tea contains approximately 30 mg. That is much lower than coffee, which has about 100 mg per cup.

While there is plenty of new and exciting evidence about the health benefits of green tea, it's still important to eat a well-balanced diet that includes other rich sources of antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Chinese Teahouse

Besides all the places of interest, the teahouses scattered in the city are most worthwhile to visit, if you wish to know the local conditions and social customs there. They are usually set up on bridge piers along the river, to provide a resting place for travelers coming afar. Not large in size but neat in configuration, they look like pergolas to some extent. And the tea served there vary from green tea to black tea, along with local delicacies and deserts. One may come in the early morning and order a pot of tea, chat and enjoy the warm sunshine at the same time, until it closes in twilight. Refills are also free of charge as long as the cup is left open.

The practice of tea drinking can be dated back to as early as the period of Three Kindoms (220-265 A.D). Though the teahouse appeared later in the history, the particular norms and customs accumulated and took shape over long periods of time. People pay special attention to the teapots, tea leaves and water.

Chinese believe that exquisite utensils should comply with delicate food. The same goes with teapots. The famous "zi sha hu" is made of a special pottery clay, purplish black in color and antique in design. Carved on it are some inscriptions, paintings and poems. The speciality is that it can preserve tea leaves in their original flavor and color. It is said the longer the pot is used, the more scent it gives out.
The carefully selected tea leaves and water are also indispensable. The tea leaves, picked before the solar term of Rain Water, are preferred, and then processed by hand. River water is never used, but water from spings or melted snow. When it snows in the winter, people in teahouses would shovel clean snow into huge water vats and store it for daily use. Drinking tea from this snow water can free people from heat rashes. No wonder the great poet Bai Juyi of the Tang Dynasty became a frequent visitor to teahouses when he was the regional chief in Hangzhou. And so many people form the habit of drinking tea day by day. It will certainly add a distinctive flavor to the scented tea, if you are seated in the traditional teahouse in such a picturesque place

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Chinese Tea History

Chinese people are believed to have enjoyed tea drinking for more than 4,000 years. Legend has it that Yan Di, one of three rulers in ancient times, tasted all kinds of herbs to find medical cures. One day,as he was being poisoned by some herb he had ingested; a drop of water from a tea tree dripped into his mouth and he was saved. For a long time, tea was used as an herbal medicine. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, tea was a religious offering. During the Spring and Autumn Period, people ate fresh tea leaves as vegetables. With the popularization of Buddhism from the Three Kingdoms to the Northern and Southern Dynasties, tea's refreshing effect made it a favorite among monks in Za-Zen meditation.
Tea as a drink prospered during the Tang Dynasty, and tea shops became popular. A major event of this time was the completion of Tea Classics, the cornerstone of Chinese tea culture, by Lu Yu, Tea Sage of China,. This little book details rules concerning various aspects of tea, such as growth areas for tea trees, wares and skills for processing tea, tea tasting, the history of Chinese tea and quotations from other records, comments on tea from various places, and notes on what occasions tea wares should be complete and when some wares could be omitted.

Tinted by the cultural style of the Song Dynasty, tea culture at this time was delicate and sumptuous. New skills created many different ways to enjoy tea. The Ming Dynasty laid the foundation for tea processing, tea types and drinking styles that we have inherited.
During the Qing Dynasty folk art entered tea shops, making them popular entertainment centers. This habit is still practiced in Chengdu, Sichuan Province.

During the Tang Dynasty, a Japanese monk brought tea seeds from Zhejiang Province to Japan. Later in the Southern Song Dynasty, Zen masters brought tea procedures and tea wares from China to Japan, promoting the initiation of the Japanese tea ceremony. In the Song Dynasty, Arabic merchants exported tea from Quanzhou, Fujian Province. In the Ming Dynasty, tea was sold to Southeast Asian and South African countries. In 1610 tea went to Europe via Macau in a Dutch merchant ship. Thus tea became an international drink.
There are many teas in china,mainly have green tea,wulong tea,wu long tea (link)(also Wulong tea have efficet of weight loss)),puer tea.etc..,you can refer here,there are all types of chinese tea.but they are not so correct translated !

Friday, May 18, 2007

Chinese Tea Culture

Chinese tea culture refers to the methods of preparation of tea, the equipment used to make tea and the occasions in which tea is consumed in China. Tea drinking was popular in ancient China as tea was regarded as one of the seven daily necessities, the others being firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, and vinegar. Though tea is last on the list, we still can see the importance of tea in daily life. Tea culture in China differs from that of Europe, Britain or Japan in such things as
preparation methods, tasting methods and the occasions for which it is consumed. Even now, in both casual and formal Chinese occasions, tea is consumed regularly. In addition to being a drink, Chinese tea is used in herbal medicine and in cooking.

A simple meal in Chinese is Cu Cha Dan Fan namely coarse tea and tasteless dinner. Even a simple meal is finished off with tea so its importance is obvious.

For the Chinese, tea drinking and tea tasting are not the same. Tea drinking is for refreshment and tonic effect.

Tea tasting has cultural meaning. Tea and tea wares should match surrounding elements such as breeze, bright moon, pines, bamboo, plums and snow. All these show the ultimate goal of Chinese culture: the harmonious unity of human beings with nature.

Tea is compared to personal character. The fragrance of tea is not aggressive; it is pleasant, low-keyed and lasting. A friendship between gentlemen is also like a cup of tea. With a cup of tea in hand, enjoying the green leaves in a white porcelain cup, you will feel peace. Fame, wealth and other earthly concerns are far away. Tea is the symbol of elegance.

Tea is regarded as the most Zen-like drink. As early as the Tang Dynasty, a reputed Zen master answered three monks of different status with "Go and have your cup of tea!' This same answer was meant to clear up the perceived inequality among monks. After all, we all are born equal.

Aside from mention in specific how-to books, tea is frequently discussed in poems and novels and appears in paintings.

In The Dream of the Red Chamber, one of four ancient Chinese classic novels, the author, Cao Xueqin revealed his knowledge of and insight into tea, as well as his knowledge of the tea-drinking customs of the Qing Dynasty.

People of varying ages or status had tea made with different water in various tea wares. Miao Yu, a nun in the novel, treated aristocratic friends with either well-preserved rainwater from the previous summer or with snow water collected from snow on plum blossoms! This tasteful interest was a privilege of the past when the air was free of pollutants.

We also find from the novel that Thai tea was imported to China and enjoyed by the rich. One of the heroines from the wealthiest family in the city was bold enough to dislike this Thai tea; the rebellious hero also made negative comments about the tea. Maybe it had less to do with the taste of the tea than with their psychological makeup.

Tea is a mysterious but harmonious combination; it is spiritual as well as material, and invigorating as well as pacifying. Its character is flexible in different environments. For example, as tea goes in a different direction, a different tea culture is formed. In Japan, the rigorous tea ceremony reflects the nation's character of making full use of every resource, while tea also represents peace of mind. In the West, tea with sugar and milk may be served with desserts to create a leisurely and romantic atmosphere.

Similarly, tea-drinking habits vary in different parts of China. Roughly, scented tea is popular in northern China; green tea is preferred in eastern China, and black tea is optimum for people in Fujian and Guangdong.

Notably, Yum Cha (tea drinking) is very popular in Hong Kong and Guangdong Province. Though dim sum, the true highlight of Yum Cha, is what attracts gourmets, tea is an essential part of the meal.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Only the proper temperature will draw out the best flavors of the leaf. While boiling water can be poured directly on black tea, water for green tea should be cooled first by decanting the water into a second vessel, it is health benefit plus. All teas have three primary flavors; sweetness, bitterness and astringency. The larger amounts of amino acids found in higher quality green teas, for example, deliver a sweetness that is only drawn out with cooler temperatures. To help in controlling the temperature, warm the cups and vessel beforehand.


While most vessels will work, certain teapots are designed for specific teas and serve to enhance the gustatory and aesthetic experience. It is recommended to drink tea in cups that have a white porcelain bottom and hold no more than four ounces. The white porcelain allows you to enjoy the color of the liquor and anything larger in size looses some overall appreciation for your green tea plus health benefit.

Steeping the Tea

Steeping times vary with the amount and type of tea selected. In general, we recommend using more tea and steeping for shorter periods so you can steep the tea several times over. Depending on the tea, the second or third steeping is often considered the best.

Tea Leaves

If stored properly, teas will keep their full flavor for many months. Teas should be kept in airtight containers in a cool dry space away from direct light and odors.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Benefits of Chinese Tea

Tea has always been a common beverage. In recent years, its beneficial effect on health has been noted. There have been numerous reports on the benefi of chinese tea in the prevention of cancer and other diseases.
Tea contains catechin. In its oxidized condensed product, antibodies of oxidization can prevent formation and growth of cancerous cells.
The fragrant oil in tea could break down fat in the body and benefit those who are overweight, as well as those with blood pressure and heart problems.
Tea is also a deodorant thus drinking tea in the mornings will freshen up your breath for the day.
In general, tea contains lots of nutrients, hence drinking tea will certainly be beneficial to health. It is estimated that half of the world population practice tea drinking daily. Tea is definitely one of the most common health care beverage throughout the whole world.

Tea Plus Low in caffeine, high rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, green tea which researchers believe may kill bacteria, cancer cells, and some viruses, plus preventing heart disease.

Green Tea plus Extract contains catechins, powerful polyphenol antioxidants that are 200 times stronger than vitamin E at neutralizing free radicals-molecules that attack lipids in the brain and other tissues. Green tea also possesses antimicrobial properties (immune system support and circulatory health ), helps normalize vascular blood clotting and total cholesterol, and supports healthy kidney function.

Green tea from the Camellia Leaves, is unfermented at its processing. The leaves are allowed to wither only slightly after picking, and then are rolled and dried before they can oxidize. These polyphenols antioxidants are more effective at de-arming potentially dangerous free radicals than other popular antioxidants such as Vitamin C.

The Chinese have used green tea for thousands of years. Recently it was introduced on the American natural health market.

Traditional Chinese medicine has long-recommended Green Tea for its wide-range of health-promoting properties especially to build up natural resistance.

In Asian countries where green tea plus extract is consumed more often than black tea (in North America, we tend to drink black tea), studies indicate that green tea drinkers have a lower mortality rate from cancer. Green tea is nontoxic and probably beneficial plus.

Drinking Green Tea or Taking green tea extract is reputed of Various Healthy

Used primarily for its free radical fighting capabilities
EGCG in Polyphenols in green tea plus extract protects against digestive and respiratory infections
Helps block the cancer-promoting actions of carcinogens.
Helps lower total and LDL-cholesterol levels
High blood pressure
Reduces platelet aggregation
Inhibiting pathogenic bacteria that cause food poisoning
Blocks the attachment of the bacteria associated with dental cavities
Health benefits of green tea, plus much more in type of tea or extract
Green tea is more delicate than black and oolong tea, and should be appreciated for its light taste and subtle aroma.

Everything, plus your mood, influencing the quality of your tea!

Monday, April 23, 2007


Once the master of ceremony of tea in old Japan has casually shown disrespect for the soldier. He has quickly apologized, but rather gusty soldier has demanded from the master that the question was settle in a duel on blades. The master of tea who had no any experience of possession blade, has gone behind advice to the friend to the zen - master possessing such skill. Having listened to the friend, the Zen - master has asked him to execute ceremony of tea. And during it the zen - fencer should notice, with what art, the perfect concentration and calmness his friend carries out ceremony. " Tomorrow, the zen - fencer when your duel will take place has told, hold the weapon above a head as though you are going to strike, and face to the opponent with the same concentration and calmness with which you execute ceremony of tea ". Next day the master of tea has gone to the appointed place for a duel, accompanied with this council. When began a duel, the soldier was ready to put the mortal blow and waited, when the master of tea will make a mistake. The soldier looked in completely close and quiet person of the master of tea. There was time. At last, the soldier has lowered blade, has apologized for the arrogance, and has left, not having made any impact.

This legend I want to begin the story about Cha-Dao("cha" tea on - japan) traditions of tea drinking or tea ceremony. Tea in Japan has appeared approximately 800 years ago. He was delivered by monks Buddhists who went to China for studying art a zen. Having returned in Japan, they have brought with themselves tea as a medicinal drink. Art of tea ceremony is farther developed as one of ways of Buddhist self-improvement alongside with a calligraphy, zen - meditation, ken-up to, etc., putting a problem of strengthening meditation than a condition of emptiness. Development of this condition allows people to not distract in any situation on extraneous events. Doing something, they are completely concentrated on this action to what fine and insignificant it not seemed to associates. "Be worship to such trifling business, as tea drinking and by that you break the arrogance " (a winged zen - Buddhist phrase). Ceremony of tea teaches people to self-control and the control over the attention, therefore such science of development of spirit used the big popularity at Samurais.

In Japan as anywhere in the world, love rituals. Now, ceremony of tea a popular hobby. Many Japanese take lessons of this art. Ceremonies of tea are carried out both in in a civilized manner community the centers, and in privateindividual. Ceremony will consist of set of rituals which should " be investigated by heart ". Almost each movement of a hand is offered. The owner starts to drink tea the first, and then visitors drink. One of the most important tools in tea ceremony it chasen a bamboo brush for beating tea. The traditionaly in Japan for tea ceremony green tea of the Match (Macha) is used. It{him} raise under special shelfly lattices to avoid direct hit of solar beams, and after temperature processing fray in a powder. A way of application: one teaspoon of a powder for one portion, approximately 50 ml. A match it is made in cups. Temperature of water 5060С. Water should cool down directly in cups, then the powder is filled and with the help chasen is shaken up. Tea submit in cups without the handle and never drink with sugar or creams. A cup hold in one hand and support from below another. A match drink together with tea leaves, not waiting when she settles.

There are some grades of green tea: Chinese "dragon", the Indonesian green tea whom in Europe frequently sell under mark " Japanese green tea ", the Georgian, Japanese green tea and others.

Whence this variety of grades, in spite of the fact that a tea tree, how a grade of a plant, one undertakes? In Japan, China, Georgia and other countries collect identical tea leaflets. A difference in the recipe of the further processing and a climate. I shall try to tell briefly about this process in Japan. Tea leaves collect in the beginning of summer. After them break, they practically at once start to wander. And on a degree of fermentation and a fermentation they share on grades: green, Chinese green and black (which in Japan name red). Natural green tea right after gathering is exposed to steam processing that prevents a fermentation. The Chinese green tea is exposed to steam processing through certain time (about 6 hours) when the fermentation already began, but remains uncompleted. Black is completely by ferment tea. The fermentation strengthens tonic effect, but completely brings to nothing the maintenance of vitamins. Therefore in Japan prefer green tea. His medical properties were known for a long time. During the Epoch Kamakura (Kamakura, 11911333) monk Eisai has emphasized useful effects of tea in the book " I Support Health when I drink Tea " (1211): " Tea a surprising medicine for maintenance of health. It{he} has extraordinary authority (power) to prolong a life. People live longer there where raise tea. In antiquities and now tea an elixir which gives tartans immortality ". Last years researches of efficiency of green tea progressed, and now there is a scientific acknowledgement of the legendary statement, that " Tea is a surprising medicine for maintenance of health ".

In the table resulted below tea components and their influence on an organism are specified.

The table

Tea components Influence on an organism

The basic component of green tea (tannic substances) Reduces radio oils and caffeine sphere of action of a cancer, reduces a tumour, reduces mutations, reduces active oxidation

Oxygen Lowers cholesterol in blood, reduces a blood pressure, reduces the contents of sugar in blood, kills bacteria, kills a virus of a flu, struggles against bacteria, stave off unpleasant smells Caffeine Raises a tone (removes weariness and drowsiness).

Vitamin With Removes a pressure, prevents a flu

Vitamin In a complex Helps a metabolism of carbohydrates Amino acid Lowers a blood pressure

Vitamin Е Operates as an antioxidant and adjusts process of ageing

Flavonol Strengthen blood walls of vessels, to avert unpleasant smells

Polysacharides Lower the maintenance of sugar in blood

Fluoride Prevent puffiness

Tianin (some kind of amino acid) Gives green tea delightful taste

In Japan exists at least six grades of green tea: sen-cha, Ban-cha, Hogi-cha, Genmai-cha, Gekuro and the Match. And if you decide to start tea ceremony to you will not prevent to know, that for pour boiling water the temperature of water should be lower some green tea, than for black. And, the more qualitatively tea, the below temperature. So, for sen-cha 7090С, for Gekuro and the Match 5060С, and for Ban-cha and Hogi-cha boiled water. The quantity{amount} of tea leaves on 5 person should make: for sen-cha and Gekuro 10 (on 450 ml for the first reception), for ban-cha and Hogi-cha 15 (on 650 ml for the first reception). One of the most widespread mistakes consists that make green tea as for a long time, as well as black. For correct preparation of green tea, sen-cha make 12 minutes, Gekuro 22,5 minutes, and ban-cha and Hogi-cha only 30 sec. To wait only longer to lose flavouring qualities. For second time the temperature of water should hardly be higher and time pour boiling water hardly less, than for the first time.

It is necessary to note separately, that due to the maintenance of caffeine, green tea has more useful tonic influence, than coffee. Caffeine raises the central nervous system, actively influences intimate activity and normalizes activity of a liver. It also can stimulate skeletal muscles and facilitate muscular reductions. For this reason it is rather useful to drink tea in the middle of the working day to freshen ideas and to encourage a body. It starts to operate approximately in 30 minutes after reception, and on the average his action is equal to two hours. But it is not necessary to abuse this drink. " ... If coffee at the end of the period of action makes though also very strong, but soon taking place action of pessimism tea operates more betrayer the excessive use of this drink can cause a melancholy.... Property of this exciting means to support brainwork, and harm consists in his strong action on the nervous centers " (Papus, " Practical magic "). At the first tea leaves of green tea it is taken much more caffeine, than at the subsequent, but, despite of it, the maintenance of caffeine in green tea will surpass his maintenance in coffee. And, as caffeine of green tea is united with catechin at welding, his action count more moderate, than in other drinks.

However, not only in the east people were aware of profit of tea. The European philosophers-occults: french connoisseur of the natural sciences, physician, philosopher end XIX age, Elifas Lions (persisting name Alifons-Lui Constants); the german physician, philosopher and чернокнижник Agrippa Nettesgeymskiy (1486-1535); the frenchman, physician on professions, connoisseur to chemistries, botanists, zoologies and the most famous popularizer of the occultism and magics ZHerar Ankoss (he Papyus), and other seen to thinkers and philosophers of the muddle ages repeatedly wrote about profit of tea for stimulation of the psychic abilities of the person.

" If, not being afraid of boredom, you will go to village and will use vegetarian I peep, and for drink only milk and water your excited organism will quickly calm down. But if you aspire still further and want to excite the maximum{supreme} (transcendental) abilities sleeping in you add to vegetarian food some glasses of green tea and be betraid daily during one hour to reflections, and you will become capable to see the telepathic or astral phenomena " (Papus, " Practical magic ").

Saturday, April 21, 2007


  An equally important role in the preparation of tea is water. First of all, it should not have any, even minor side-specific and extraneous odors (give slightly, rot, rust, the scents of chlorine bleach, soap, hydrogen sulphide and petroleum products). Water must not contain any particles, even if they do not smell. That is why tea is absolutely unsuitable for mineral waters, bolotno-prudovye water, as well as water from village wells and muddy rivers. The second important requirement of water for tea, a low content of dissolved minerals. Water containing a large quantity of mineral salts (dvuuglekislye sernokislye salt and calcium and magnesium) is tough. This little water is suitable for making tea, as it not only inhibits extraction, but also spoils the taste and aroma of tea, killing him and sernokislymi uglekislymi compounds.

Soft water is the most suitable for making tea. The best water for making tea is the key and spring. The second soft-water streams with fast kamenisto-peschanym bottom, as well as water flowing glacial lakes. Well filtered, biologically cleaned soft piped water from the river and lake water also suitable for brewing tea, but of course it unlike in quality with the natural spring water. But what do the residents of areas where water is high rigidity? First, to defend it at least days before use for teaspoons. Secondly, it is advisable to use special umyagchitelyami water. And thirdly, the use of teaspoons those types of tea, which have heightened action.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Means brewing tea

  There are many ways of brewing tea. We will only major rule making tea, cut black teas. Before brewing empty porcelain teapot should be well sogret. This is done in order to enhance the extraction of tea. The usual way sogrevaniya - Lukewarm kettle boiling water 3-4 times. Thaw teapot can and otherwise delete it in boiling water (this is not so convenient, but gives a good outcome) or put in a current hot air. It would be better if kettle will be before teaspoons dry. When porcelain teapot sogret and metal water catching "white keys", the porcelain a portion of the dry tea and immediately pour boiling water. It is very important to keep accurate. If nearby will be a product with the smell, and especially raw meat, fish, butter or bacon, this tea is not for you. Its aroma, the taste will disappear. Initially primed with water just before half teakettle or, depending on the type and grade of tea and a third (a mixture of green and black tea), or up to one-quarter or less (green tea). Gulf dry tea first flooding, kettle should move quickly to close the lid, and then covered linen towel so that it covers the holes in the lid and nosike teakettle. This is not so much to insulate, but rather for the cloth napkins vpityvala graduating from the teakettle water vapour, while not skip over the volatile aromatic essential oils.

There is no cover different kettle uteplitelyami- cups. In this case, tea and preet nevkusnym is, as they say, smells broom. Close tea, and give him a otstoyatsya. Opening date, depending on water hardness and types of tea lasts from 3 to 15 minutes. The best time for good varieties of black teas with soft water 3,5-4 minutes. During this time do not manage to snap a gentle fragrance of tea, while tea mainly kept ekstragirovatsya. In tight or average water sometimes has to endure tea brew for up to 10 minutes. Green tea, which is more important than the aroma and taste, one could argue from 5 to 7-8 minutes, depending on the grade and class gross green tea and tile-even longer, from 10 to 15 minutes. When tea configure, dolivayut kettle boiling water, but not quite up as well, leaving free 0,5-1 cm to cover (infusion of green teas second time primed in 3-4 minutes until 3 / 4 or 2 / 3 teakettle, and only the third time, after another 2-3 minutes, pour almost up). The successive zalivok water for brewing is that all the time to maintain the same high water temperatures. Continuity sufficiently high temperature for the duration of brewing even more important than the high initial temperature at the start brewing.

Hence understand why critical temperature of the air space, which zavarivayut tea. The best ambient temperature for brewing tea should take 22-25 ° C. After brewing it is necessary to draw attention to the emergence of foam. If the foam is, therefore, tea zavaren correctly. If the foam is not, it seems, has been admitted a violation of the rules of brewing. After all that tea can bottle of chashkam. It should immediately prepare tea desired concentration and bottle of "zavarochnogo" teakettle in cups boiling water without further dilution. Only then can we be sure that this really works, a high-quality drink, a pleasant taste and aroma lose. If the kettle for heaped small, it will be a tea party in the process of pouring water, but do not want zavarka not slivalas by more than half, but the tea leaves do not bear. Tea should be eaten within a quarter of an hour after tea. Leave tea for a few hours, let alone for another day. "Fresh tea is like balzamu. Tea and left at night, like a snake ", figuratively said in an Eastern proverb. This is especially true of black chayam that can be used only fresh.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Japanese Green Tea

Green tea ( ryokucha) is so ubiquitous in Japan that it ismore commonly known as "honorable tea" (ocha) and even "Japanese tea" (nihoncha). Types of tea are commonly graded depending on the quality and the parts of the plant used.

Matcha ("rubbed tea") is the highest grade of green tea, usedprimarily in the tea ceremony . The tea bushes are shaded from sunlight for three weeks before harvesting, producing amino acids that sweeten the taste. The leaves are then ground to a fine powder, which issimply blended in lukewarm water for consumption.
Gyokuro ("jewel dew") is unground matcha leaf, prepared forconsumption by infusion.
Sencha ("broiled tea") is the most common type of green tea in Japan, accounting for 75% ofproduction. It is made from the young leaves of uncovered plants.
Shincha ("new tea") is newly harvested, lightly steamed sencha. It is aromatic but highlyperishable, lasting for only about 3 months.
Genmaicha ("brown rice tea") is senchamixed with roasted brown rice .
Bancha ("number tea")is from the last harvest of the season. It is milder, cheaper and contain less caffeine than other varieties.
Hojicha ("roasted tea") is prepared by roasting bancha leaves.
Kukicha ("stem tea")is made from tea twigs instead of leaves. It contains only a tenth of the caffeine of leaf tea and its flavor is commonlycompared to oolong teas.

There are large variations in both price and quality within these broad categories, and there are many specialty green teasthat fall outside this spectrum. The very best green tea is said to be that from Uji region of Kyoto.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Particular attention is paid to disposables, which was preparing tea. Water can be boiled for tea in metal teapots but necessarily or from modern alloys, the so-called "white" metal and enameled, where water contact with the metal non-existent. However, it must be borne in mind that the thin layer of dirt formed metal kettles should not be measured. To that thin layer of fat is not pererastal must withdraw teapot with a fire in time to prevent too long adrenaline water. The enameled Hanukkah, they, as well as in enameled pan, water to beans very quickly, and it is easier to miss a second phase of boiling. Brew tea same can be done only in porcelain crockery and cutlery, but in no case for the metal. Porcelain faience preferable, as it can quickly and heavily soaked completely, but it is significant infusion. Teapot for heaped must have a hole in the lid and close enough. In addition to brewing red and green teas using special kettles with 6PA2 of porcelain cups, which to off tea. They can provide a stronger tea infusion, as well as water, in this case includes rinsed dishes from all sides and is not over. The size (volume) and form teakettle are equally important. The best geometrically correct shape (spherical, cylindrical), which make it possible to determine the precise proportion of (fourth, third, half) teakettle infusion.

Drink tea as the best of porcelain dishes. Glass dishes (mugs) theoretically equally suitable, but almost equally suitable for a proper tea party, as Bill Glass does not set out to measure the taste of tea to the same extent as tender porcelain surface, which is a positive reaction to the touch, reduces the temperature of tea, and thereby enhances our overall good feeling. It goes without saying that all the tea pots to contain an exceptional purity. This not only means that it must shine whiteness outside and the inside, but most importantly, tea utensils should never touch any extraneous odors. This is the ability to store tea utensils separately from the rest of kitchen utensils and away from the cans with spices, as well as other products.

Mopping the tea utensils should be distinct sen rather than common kitchen towel. It is important to observe these precautions can be seen from the fact that it is enough, for example, next to an empty kettle cut at the same table onions or garlic rubbed or take teapot choke hands, as it immediately affect the quality tea : the aroma actually disappear or fade so that we do not heed.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Japanese tea ceremony.

The host (hostess) is a master tea-hooked near the center face-to guests. Guests are and their places in a specific order. Before brew tea, a ceremony to purify utensils : carefully ground all great dishes with fine figure silk scarf, which symbolize the four corner of the world, and the two sides (the person and the seamy side),

Heaven and Earth. But noise begins to water urologist (before boiling it is not known) and the boss, cull its bamboo scoop, rinse cups and wiry beater foam, to thaw them. Then to wipe dry linen dish towel, it is eating into each of vinegar and tea powder, vliv little water is beginning to capture foam. Now everything depends on the craftsman's skills and his personality, his ability to improvisation, which, according to the teachings of dzen-buddism, is a prerequisite for the release of creative energy. Master must take into account all nuances : because of the ratio of tea powder and water, its temperature, speed and duration of shooting foam depends taste drink. If, for example, water is too hot, tea aroma lose, or, say, if tea long insist, it will be dark and bitter. There are two types of tya-no-yu-cooking koy-tya (thick tea) and usu-tya (liquid tea). Thick to drink a large ceramic cup from which every little honey tea and transmits its neighbour, tentatively obterev edge paper scarf. Wet tea tea small plates for each guest separately. Sometimes koy-tya and usu-tya combine, and then they become, as it were, in a two-phase long tea ceremony, in between boss invites guests to go on the garden. The contemplation of nature, contact and communicate with it is one of the most important components tya-no-yu.

For a Japanese cult of nature-worship is not only force that offers life, it is also a tribute to the beauty and harmony in nature and attempt to understand their place in the cosmos. The ritual cup guest filed by the party, which is considered the most beautiful. However, taking a cup, it before otpit should turn it into an opposing party. Touch turned to the "person" would be riding Finnish. When tea vypit must carefully consider the cup and other supplies - because in your hands works of genuine art. The action takes place on a set pattern. Holding the cup on the left palm, it slowly turn, the shape and color scheme, carvings, invoice material looked inside, and only then, expressing his admiration, defend reversed upside down. But tya-no-yu is not just a tea party. Usually, it precedes the meal, usually the most rudimentary meals and drinks (rice, all kinds of soups, bataty, sake, etc.). Against the backdrop of a variety of taste sensations guests will be easier to appreciate the aroma and taste of tea, and, in addition, dishes and the laying add to the beauty and harmony of the interior. During the tea party guests offering various sweets.

Japanese tea ceremony. The situation

Tea Ceremony - tya-no-yu - is a special, private House-tyasitsu. A very similar to the modest village hut, he sits in the corner of specially structured garden, which should serve as a tyasitsu dissociate from the world around them, and walk on it, to call on the psyche of the visitor feeling unwatchful rest. This is facilitated by the decorations in the garden, which, according to the canons, recalls corner of primeval nature. To Smile large rocks track, to looping among shrubs and trees leads visitors to the tsukubai-stone receptacle with water, which relies commit ritual purification (wash hands and mouth). At dusk path highlights stone lantern-haven cos dead. All here with the basic principle of modesty and simplicity. Indeed, the meaning of a tea ceremony, open person beauty preservation and ordinary. Entering tyasitsu-square hole-no more than 90 centimetres in the past. It is also no coincidence : Every person, regardless of class, and his rank officer to cross the threshold would buckle unwittingly bow and was said to have "left without a sword" (long tome and steel, to deploys side is simply not allowed to do so). The house is small. Walls normal dark color, sex flowers-tatami, beneath the ceiling is a small window, going north. The room shadows (bright daylight distracting, hinders understand and appreciate the beauty of the situation). The only decoration-ikebana or kakemono placed in a special niche. Most of kakemono sealed symbol or slogan of the tea ceremony, as each has its own theme. Ikebana is selected very carefully, in accordance with the season, time of day, the theme or the guest of honour. Here, in the corner pasted in sex center, which is always cooked in advance coals (necessarily from the contest).

Above it hangs a metal pot very simple form. Table replaces matting. It attaches importance to the tea utensils. Particular attention should be cups. Typically for a tea ceremony are not using classic Blue - pottery and ceramic cups irregularly shaped, which initially are "artificial aging." Muted but not dull colors and attacked patina-a sort of "seal of antiquity." But in this case of "forgery" nobody insult not disappoint, but rather skilful simulation worthy of admiration. Selection cups - as a science. The thickness and the shape depend, for example, on the time of year : winter-cup more closed and clarify walls, in the warm season is the opposite. In addition, provision should be made that, on the one hand, it does not to burning hands, in other words, not too thin, on the other hand, "did not stop and it was easy to follow, that is not too thick and consequently heavy.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Japanese tea ceremony. Aesthetics

Japanese drawn etiquette tea party in China. First and foremost, he was associated with binge tea at the altar of Buddha. This ritual is respected in Japan to this day. A sect of Zen Buddhist followers assessing tonic properties of tea were used during the long meditation. And perhaps it was because of the teachings dzen-buddizma receiving widespread in the country, a tea party etiquette, a new, spiritual dimension, which eventually turned it into a tea ceremony in a part of the national aesthetics and culture. The moral and aesthetic principles Tea Party (tyado) transmitted through characters "wa", "key", "sey" and "dzyaku."

The first means "harmony" unity of man and nature and dependency on each other; Second, mutual respect and common equity, to avoid conflicts; Third translates as "purity", but in the context tyado it should be understood as purification through contact with stunning; And finally, the fourth - "quiet", "calm".

Runs another line on the Japanese tea ceremony :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


The ban on the tea on an empty stomach : when tea drink on an empty stomach, cold nature of tea, get inside, can be cooled spleen and stomach, just as "wolf entry to the house", in China since advised not to drink tea on an empty heart. "

The ban on the second scalding tea : too hot tea heavily promotes throat, esophagus and stomach. Prolonged use of a very hot tea can lead to painful changes of these bodies. According to the Foreign Studies, the frequent use of tea temperature above 620S leads to increased vulnerability walls stomach and the symptoms of a disease stomach. The tea should not exceed 560S.

The ban on the third coldest Tea : while it is warm and hot tea give vivacity make clear conscience and vision, iced tea produced side-effects : stagnation cold and accumulation rates.

The ban on the fourth strongest Tea : high content of caffeine and theine in strong tea can cause headache and insomnia.

Prevent fifth for a long tea TEA : if the tea brew for too long, tea phenol, lipoida, essential components are spontaneously oxidize, which not only deprives tea transparency, taste and aroma, but also significantly reduces the nutritional value of tea by oxidation of the tea leaves of vitamins C and E, amino acids and other valuable substances. In addition, nastaivayasi, tea is exposed to the environment, it significantly increases the micro-organisms (bacteria and fungi).

Prevent sixth multiple tea : usually after tretiei-chetvertoi teaspoons of tea leaves have little remains. Experiments suggest that the first infusion chassis approximately 50% of useful substances from tea leaves, the second 30%, and the third only about 10%; Fourth zavarka adding 1-3%. If, however, continue to brew more tea, the incidents may go and harmful ingredients as harmful elements contained in a very small number of the tea leaves are in incidents last.

Prevent seventh at the Tea food : tea, vpity of food leads to inflammatory saliva, food starts to appear not tasty also may temporarily fall assimilate protein Bliss authorities. Consequently, drink tea for 20 to 30 minutes before eating.

The ban on the eighth Tea immediately after eating : in tea tannin could lead to a metal protein and iron deficiency, which affects their learning. If you want to drink tea after eating, wait 20 to 30 minutes.

The ban on the ninth drinking bout tea drugs : tanning substances contained in tea raczeplacy, form tannin, which many medicines are empty and poorly absorbed. The Chinese say that tea is destroying drugs.

The ban on the 10th yesterday Tea : tea, permavshi day, not only loses vitamins, but also because of the high content of protein and sugars, it is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. But if tea is not deteriorated, it could perhaps be used for medicinal purposes, but only as an external tool. Thus, nastojavshisa per day tea is rich in acids and fluorine that prevent bleeding from the capillaries, so yesterday's tea helps with the inflammation of the oral cavity, pain language ackzeme, festering desnah, surface damage skin ruminants. Wash eye yesterday tea helps reduce unpleasant feelings when the proteins in the blood vessels and, after tears and mouth rinse morning before cleaning teeth, and after delivery not only is the feeling of freshness, but also strengthens teeth.

Yerba Mate

Plant Yerba Mate (Yerba mate), has been known for centuries, grows in South America. Mate (sometimes trading symbol mate, the names of some of these type Paraguayan tea "," Brazilian tea, and so on) - tea drink, which is produced from a dry leaf green tropical tree Paraguariensis . The tree, and drink available in Europe about 1620-h years, but it detailed only in the 1822 French and be naturalist botanic Augustus de St. Hileir who explored vast swamps Paraguariensis River Parana. The plant is a branch tree-shrubbery, which in the wild live up to 50 years and reaching an altitude of 15 meters. The cultivation of these trees provide, and the trim keep their growth in the range of 1.5 to 2 meters. It has regular bush gloss leaves back form at the ends of blunt-rote, 7-10 cm long. Flowers small plants, usually located in the leaf axils. Smaller fruit, juicy, shrubs to be in the heavily resemble tea (elongated, elliptical or oval with jagged tiptoe). Fresh from October to December, little flowers, complex with white petals silent on the increase directly to the escape. The fruits are small reddish berries, slightly elongated and form reminiscent pepper-gagashar. For normal growth Paraguariensis a tropical and sub tropical climate, especially sensitive plant to lack of moisture. Is that the best growth of the plant is due to wet 1500 mm. and more rainfall in the year. It is growing on acid soils rich in iron. Bobcats handles. The first harvest of leaves can be collected for five years after planting . In sparing the harvest together every three years; In the intensive plantation biennially. At the same time, unlike the tea, discovered not only the top three leaf (fleshy), and the entire flight with young leaves entirely. In fact, you can tear all the leaves with bush, from the taste heaped suffer not, but it requires special skill and caution, since too much "sofa" bush from a shortage leaves dying. After collecting their escape route, in particular in Argentina, for special industrial dryers (SECADERO "). The drying shoots is a key point in the manufacture of materials, as plant very love moisture and contains a great deal of water. Drying is carried out at high temperatures, in the special bins with dumpiness on a cycle, then break up and crush leaf and stem. This Mate for classic drink of special dishes, a golden-green, it is very dry, and consists of three components : 1. stems (in the high mineral substances) 2. The leaves (attached to drinking colour and astringency) 3. Light dust (which shows that Yerba mate properly dried, and preserved all the useful properties) Classic accessories for drinking brew YERBA MATE : In America, the homeland YERBA MATE, drink with the dish and scintillations through which pushed incidents. In times gaucos as a receptacle used small pumpkin (), which to hollow dry and in the sun. Since they have different sizes, gaucos used them for the storage of grain, water and other products. The little used to brew YERBA MATE. Later receptacles are made of a tree, decorate thread, iron frame. The pressure of a small pumpkin as Kalebasa and other materials-Mate. Plant, in sprinkled receptacle, as well YERBA MATE. Infusion to the "mate" on the characters in the first syllable. YIM (Bombilla) used to be the case for a thin hollow stems of plants. Today it is an industry, they are made of metal (stainless steel), silver. At the top of the scintillations is slightly flattened Mouthpiece, which can be pinnacle or silver, and at the bottom is more than ever a small strainer. Bombilla may be straight or slightly curved. Each bombilla, or kalebasa mate made directly to individual performance, outsourcing the rest, so getting pressure to drink brew YERBA MATE you will gain a unique thing, which will serve long and you enjoy every day. Previously Yerba Mate was wild tree from which Guarani Indians dropped dried leaves and produce of their drinks. The MATE use among Indians was due to its curative properties, which generally have increased immunity, restore nervous system, the organism exhausted caused by various diseases and as a result, a slowdown in age. Use MATE allowed them to live without food for long periods of time, sometimes replacing such important products as bread and vegetables, easily slake sense of hunger. Legends Indians tell us that the Yerba Mate

Guarani Indians received as a gift from the gods : one in times immemorial and sineglazy God Paia travelled with the boys through the jungle to one of the things cities. Way to be very difficult, long journey and stocks run out. And when forces were at the end, travellers took to a small glade where they saw the proper housing and the same modest economy. They met strong man and his unearthly beauty daughter, not knowing who to them fed claim they lost all their food stocks and to cut only goose that they had. Repeatedly Paia Sharume, rested and having rallied forces, the old man asked :-Man! Why do you live with her daughter so far away from the people? - I do not want to look at what people have seen the beauty of my daughter, "answered the old man, her beauty may desecrate people, and it belongs to the gods! Paia Sharume to thank them for their hospitality and started who he said : "You are right man! Her beauty be deity indeed! But people should know about it! Therefore, I will make it into the plant, which will help people, as you do, and in time Sa-a (Indian name Yerba Mate) know and assess the whole world! That is one of the legends Guarani Indians explaining the origin of the Yerba Mate, it really Mate popular not only in South America. On every continent Mate drink not only as an infusion helps people maintain the body in healthy without harming, but as a tradition of uniting people.

According to chronicles colonization of this part of South America, Spaniards immediately drank MATE because of its special properties : it helped avoid zing, disease to strike many who have not had the opportunity to eat fresh fruits and vegetables in the long journey across the ocean to a new continent. Spaniards also noticed that the Indians who consumed the drink, acquired enormous resistance to fatigue, and they tried to portray it as inherent in certain plant inputs to the negative impact on the body. Despite this, MATE very quickly became popular in the region of La Plata, until Chile and Peru in the mountainous Andes chain. Around the 17th century, when the continent began to penetrate Europeans, a Jesuit stage in the history of materials. Vatican got plenty of land in the New Territories, and in 1611 the Jesuit Order entitled to the independent authority ends empire that lasted 160 years. This State was a purely commercial enterprise that is receiving from the slave labour of Indians to 900% of the net profits. Ottsy-Iezuita very quickly the benefits of the "indigenous herbs, and perceived that can be economically deployed. They forced the Indians to Mate leaves, but the Indians died from overwork, disease, the perils that burdened them in the jungle, where they collected leaves and accountable for miles heavy bundles its enslavers. The Jesuits have attempted to cultivate Yerba Mate. In Europe Mate was known as "Nasta Iezouita, worth more tea than at the rich and holy Fathers. Later, when the 19th century South America overcame revolution and the war in Europe on Mate forgotten for a long time and have seen it as a full exotic. In the mid-nineteenth century French physician and City Bonplan first began research properties

YERBA MATE. The development of these studies have led at the beginning of the twentieth century sow first plantations directly to the Jesuit Can-ignasio ruins in the province of Misiones (Argentina), which has been used for several centuries Guarani Indians cultivating the plant. Since then, the beginning of MATE, which today has reached the point where millions of people around the world use every day instead of the traditional tea and coffee infusion YERBA MATE. Since 1930, begins numerous studies to determine where MATE took its legendary properties, the properties that have made it possible for gauco, the legendary inhabitant of the Argentine pampa, shepherds and hunters, musician and craftsman, make day-to-day weather and the outdoors, to work hard, from eating beef only and incidents MATE.