Once the master of ceremony of tea in old Japan has casually shown disrespect for the soldier. He has quickly apologized, but rather gusty soldier has demanded from the master that the question was settle in a duel on blades. The master of tea who had no any experience of possession blade, has gone behind advice to the friend to the zen - master possessing such skill. Having listened to the friend, the Zen - master has asked him to execute ceremony of tea. And during it the zen - fencer should notice, with what art, the perfect concentration and calmness his friend carries out ceremony. " Tomorrow, the zen - fencer when your duel will take place has told, hold the weapon above a head as though you are going to strike, and face to the opponent with the same concentration and calmness with which you execute ceremony of tea ". Next day the master of tea has gone to the appointed place for a duel, accompanied with this council. When began a duel, the soldier was ready to put the mortal blow and waited, when the master of tea will make a mistake. The soldier looked in completely close and quiet person of the master of tea. There was time. At last, the soldier has lowered blade, has apologized for the arrogance, and has left, not having made any impact.
This legend I want to begin the story about Cha-Dao("cha" tea on - japan) traditions of tea drinking or tea ceremony. Tea in Japan has appeared approximately 800 years ago. He was delivered by monks Buddhists who went to China for studying art a zen. Having returned in Japan, they have brought with themselves tea as a medicinal drink. Art of tea ceremony is farther developed as one of ways of Buddhist self-improvement alongside with a calligraphy, zen - meditation, ken-up to, etc., putting a problem of strengthening meditation than a condition of emptiness. Development of this condition allows people to not distract in any situation on extraneous events. Doing something, they are completely concentrated on this action to what fine and insignificant it not seemed to associates. "Be worship to such trifling business, as tea drinking and by that you break the arrogance " (a winged zen - Buddhist phrase). Ceremony of tea teaches people to self-control and the control over the attention, therefore such science of development of spirit used the big popularity at Samurais.
In Japan as anywhere in the world, love rituals. Now, ceremony of tea a popular hobby. Many Japanese take lessons of this art. Ceremonies of tea are carried out both in in a civilized manner community the centers, and in privateindividual. Ceremony will consist of set of rituals which should " be investigated by heart ". Almost each movement of a hand is offered. The owner starts to drink tea the first, and then visitors drink. One of the most important tools in tea ceremony it chasen a bamboo brush for beating tea. The traditionaly in Japan for tea ceremony green tea of the Match (Macha) is used. It{him} raise under special shelfly lattices to avoid direct hit of solar beams, and after temperature processing fray in a powder. A way of application: one teaspoon of a powder for one portion, approximately 50 ml. A match it is made in cups. Temperature of water 5060С. Water should cool down directly in cups, then the powder is filled and with the help chasen is shaken up. Tea submit in cups without the handle and never drink with sugar or creams. A cup hold in one hand and support from below another. A match drink together with tea leaves, not waiting when she settles.
There are some grades of green tea: Chinese "dragon", the Indonesian green tea whom in Europe frequently sell under mark " Japanese green tea ", the Georgian, Japanese green tea and others.
Whence this variety of grades, in spite of the fact that a tea tree, how a grade of a plant, one undertakes? In Japan, China, Georgia and other countries collect identical tea leaflets. A difference in the recipe of the further processing and a climate. I shall try to tell briefly about this process in Japan. Tea leaves collect in the beginning of summer. After them break, they practically at once start to wander. And on a degree of fermentation and a fermentation they share on grades: green, Chinese green and black (which in Japan name red). Natural green tea right after gathering is exposed to steam processing that prevents a fermentation. The Chinese green tea is exposed to steam processing through certain time (about 6 hours) when the fermentation already began, but remains uncompleted. Black is completely by ferment tea. The fermentation strengthens tonic effect, but completely brings to nothing the maintenance of vitamins. Therefore in Japan prefer green tea. His medical properties were known for a long time. During the Epoch Kamakura (Kamakura, 11911333) monk Eisai has emphasized useful effects of tea in the book " I Support Health when I drink Tea " (1211): " Tea a surprising medicine for maintenance of health. It{he} has extraordinary authority (power) to prolong a life. People live longer there where raise tea. In antiquities and now tea an elixir which gives tartans immortality ". Last years researches of efficiency of green tea progressed, and now there is a scientific acknowledgement of the legendary statement, that " Tea is a surprising medicine for maintenance of health ".
In the table resulted below tea components and their influence on an organism are specified.
The table
Tea components Influence on an organism
The basic component of green tea (tannic substances) Reduces radio oils and caffeine sphere of action of a cancer, reduces a tumour, reduces mutations, reduces active oxidation
Oxygen Lowers cholesterol in blood, reduces a blood pressure, reduces the contents of sugar in blood, kills bacteria, kills a virus of a flu, struggles against bacteria, stave off unpleasant smells Caffeine Raises a tone (removes weariness and drowsiness).
Vitamin With Removes a pressure, prevents a flu
Vitamin In a complex Helps a metabolism of carbohydrates Amino acid Lowers a blood pressure
Vitamin Е Operates as an antioxidant and adjusts process of ageing
Flavonol Strengthen blood walls of vessels, to avert unpleasant smells
Polysacharides Lower the maintenance of sugar in blood
Fluoride Prevent puffiness
Tianin (some kind of amino acid) Gives green tea delightful taste
In Japan exists at least six grades of green tea: sen-cha, Ban-cha, Hogi-cha, Genmai-cha, Gekuro and the Match. And if you decide to start tea ceremony to you will not prevent to know, that for pour boiling water the temperature of water should be lower some green tea, than for black. And, the more qualitatively tea, the below temperature. So, for sen-cha 7090С, for Gekuro and the Match 5060С, and for Ban-cha and Hogi-cha boiled water. The quantity{amount} of tea leaves on 5 person should make: for sen-cha and Gekuro 10 (on 450 ml for the first reception), for ban-cha and Hogi-cha 15 (on 650 ml for the first reception). One of the most widespread mistakes consists that make green tea as for a long time, as well as black. For correct preparation of green tea, sen-cha make 12 minutes, Gekuro 22,5 minutes, and ban-cha and Hogi-cha only 30 sec. To wait only longer to lose flavouring qualities. For second time the temperature of water should hardly be higher and time pour boiling water hardly less, than for the first time.
It is necessary to note separately, that due to the maintenance of caffeine, green tea has more useful tonic influence, than coffee. Caffeine raises the central nervous system, actively influences intimate activity and normalizes activity of a liver. It also can stimulate skeletal muscles and facilitate muscular reductions. For this reason it is rather useful to drink tea in the middle of the working day to freshen ideas and to encourage a body. It starts to operate approximately in 30 minutes after reception, and on the average his action is equal to two hours. But it is not necessary to abuse this drink. " ... If coffee at the end of the period of action makes though also very strong, but soon taking place action of pessimism tea operates more betrayer the excessive use of this drink can cause a melancholy.... Property of this exciting means to support brainwork, and harm consists in his strong action on the nervous centers " (Papus, " Practical magic "). At the first tea leaves of green tea it is taken much more caffeine, than at the subsequent, but, despite of it, the maintenance of caffeine in green tea will surpass his maintenance in coffee. And, as caffeine of green tea is united with catechin at welding, his action count more moderate, than in other drinks.
However, not only in the east people were aware of profit of tea. The European philosophers-occults: french connoisseur of the natural sciences, physician, philosopher end XIX age, Elifas Lions (persisting name Alifons-Lui Constants); the german physician, philosopher and чернокнижник Agrippa Nettesgeymskiy (1486-1535); the frenchman, physician on professions, connoisseur to chemistries, botanists, zoologies and the most famous popularizer of the occultism and magics ZHerar Ankoss (he Papyus), and other seen to thinkers and philosophers of the muddle ages repeatedly wrote about profit of tea for stimulation of the psychic abilities of the person.
" If, not being afraid of boredom, you will go to village and will use vegetarian I peep, and for drink only milk and water your excited organism will quickly calm down. But if you aspire still further and want to excite the maximum{supreme} (transcendental) abilities sleeping in you add to vegetarian food some glasses of green tea and be betraid daily during one hour to reflections, and you will become capable to see the telepathic or astral phenomena " (Papus, " Practical magic ").